Spicy Shrimp Tambun Biscuit (16pcs)
Spicy Shrimp Tambun Biscuit (16pcs) Spicy Shrimp Tambun BIiscuits Handmade Biscuits Penang, Malaysia Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | Tean Ean Local Products (M) Sdn Bhd
RM 10.80
580 g
Tambun Biscuits (Spicy Shrimp) / Pandan Biskut Tambun (Udang Pedas) 16pcs

~100%fresh 100% home styles
~Freshly baked
~No food preservatives (Expiry date: 2 weeks)

✅Produk Penang Special
✅Ada Sijil Halal
✅Boleh dimakan tanpa was-was
✅Rasa yang sedap dan enak
✅Sesuai dijadikan snek keluarga
✅Satu kotak 16 biji

Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Sugar, Mung Beans, Fried Onion, Dried Shrimp, Vegetable Oil and Salt

Ramuan: Tepung Gandum, Gula, Kacang Hijau, Bawang goreng, Udang Kering, Minyak Sayuran dan Garam.

Content : 16pcs

Nutrition Facts: Per 100g/Setiap 100g


Protein/Protein: 10.1g

Sugar/Gula: 20.5g

Carbohydrate/Karbohidrat: 59.5 g

Calories/Kalori: 419 kcal


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