Tean Ean No Sugar Added White Coffee 2 in1
RM 29.50
600 g
21 cm (L) x 17 cm (W) x 5 cm (H)
Tean Ean Penang Local Products 田園槟城土产 Pulau Pinang Colombian coffee beans阿 拉比卡咖啡豆 Biji Kopi Arabica Kolombia caffeine 咖啡因 kafein Tean Ean Premium White Coffee 2 in 1 二合一田園特级白咖啡 Tean Ean No Sugar Added White Coffee 2 in1 二合一田園特级无加糖白咖啡 Kopi
Tean Ean Premium White Coffee
Our species of coffee bean are Colombia coffee bean, Brazil Santos coffee bean and Indonesia Robusta coffee bean, while our non-dairy creamer is imported from New Zealand. Together with our high-tech production technology, our ingredients are well processed and its top-grade quality is preserved at the same time.
Premix Coffee
12 sachets @ 30gm
Kopi tanpa gula Ready Stock Tean Ean
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